In the information technology era, information and data security becomes our prime concern. As it’s more difficult than ever when we consider multi-tier network architectures, heterogeneous server platform environments, web services, and custom applications. Criminal organization have engineered their hacking endeavors, they are not just script kiddies to intrude into your networks and applications.

Albeit, there are numerous ways to secure networks, systems, and applications. The solitary way to accurately know how secure you are to test your environment is penetration (pen) testing. Xcelture’ Penetration Testing department offers you many benefits; allowing to intelligently manage vulnerabilities, avoid the cost of network downtime, meet regulatory requirements and avoid fine, and to preserve corporate image and customer loyalty.

We surpass in both black box discovery and white box penetration testing. All engagements are specifically tailored to provide the highest return on investment for lowering the risk of a security incident, breach, or data leak. Xcelture offers a full scope of penetration tests to you. Our skilled specialists can execute on any of the following types of pen tests pending your business necessities:

Network infrastructure Penetration Testing

Desktop application Penetration Testing

Dynamic web application Penetration Testing

Mobile application Penetration Testing (Android, IOS, Windows)