CHFI is 4 days expert level course leading to CFHI certification exam which help individuals and organizations to detecting cyber-attacks and systematically extracting evidence to support the cyber-crime investigation report, and conducting periodic audits to prevent similar attacks in future. CHFI certification training validates an individual’s knowledge of computer forensics for reporting hacking attempts and attacks in the courts of law.

What is in this course?

Extensive training summarizes the essential knowledge of digital forensic techniques and standard forensic tools to collect the intruder’s footprints necessary for his investigation. The course delivers a few methodological ways to deal with digital forensics, including seizing, chain of custody, acquisition preservation, analysis and presentation of digital evidence. CHFI participants will be trained to lead successful procedures in different sorts of security incidents.

What is in this course

Comprehensive hands on training is help you to master a repeatable, documentable penetration testing methodology that can be used in a penetration testing or hacking situation. This course includes installing Kali Linux, using VirtualBox, basics of Linux, Tor, Proxychains, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, wireshark, cracking wifi, aircrack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, known vulnerabilities, SQL injections, cracking Linux passwords, and more topics how to attack from the web using different techniques likes cross site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, remote and local file inclusion and how to penetrate networks, exploit systems, break into computers, and compromise routers. During the course you will learn the deep and brute capabilities of the Metasploit to perform pen testing and vulnerability assessment for your organization. This program will help you to prepare and pass certifications like ECSA

Pen testing major training domains are as follows:

  • Introduction to Pen Testing
  • Information Gathering
  • Writing pen test proposals
  • Foot printing & scanning
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Web Attacks
  • System Attacks
  • Network Attacks
  • Reporting

Who should attend?

  • Security Professionals
  • Digital Forensic Examiner
  • Incident Response Team Members
  • Auditors (IT and Non IT)
  • Cyber Lawyers
  • Computer Crime Investigator
  • Cyber law
  • Enforcement