Discover your purpose in life and career, foster better communication in the workplace, and experience greater success and productivity. Workplaces are often high pressure, fast-paced environment in which stress, exhaustion and burnout are all too common. Being Mindful is key to not only survival but also to experiencing greater happiness, creativity and productivity at work. Mindfulness can help to boost up your resilience levels. Mindfulness practice help cultivate greater self awareness, flexibility, positive relationships, and acceptance- qualities that have all been found to contribute to greater resilience to stress in the workplace.


A full day immersive program, where the participants will learn how to remain mindful, and understand techniques to manage stress, tension, and pressure. This Mindfulness at work course is designed for busy professionals who want to be more productive, resilient, and mindful in facing the challenges of life


  • Learn mindfulness in work and personal life.
  • Learn the various tools used for practicing mindfulness.
  • Learn to overcome conflicts at work.
  • Learn to recognize personal traits that inhibit growth, and how to overcome them.